Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well, I’m happily back in California. I’ve been back for almost two weeks, and have been doing all sorts of California-esque things.

To make things even better, I’ve been snowboarding every weekend thus-far with E. Needless to say, my ass is adequately bruised. I really like the whole “winter-in-California” thing, where I can still ride my bike to school during the week and head out to the mountains for winter-fun on the weekends. Apparently, this winter sucks-ass for snow… which means that the conditions are just like back east!

Also, it has been “pretty damn cold” in Davis. We’ve even had frost!!! One morning last week I saw a woman cleaning the frost off of her windshield by spraying water from her water bottle onto it. Uh, Lady, there is a MUCH better way to do that.  



Blogger Fotograf.416 said...

come back to Canada where we have winter in april! :)

9:37 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

I'll just have to surpress my grief by eating fresh strawberries...

3:32 PM  

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