Monday, October 30, 2006

This weekend I went to a BME Halloween party at Bertha’s place. M. and I biked out to west Davis all gussied up (I just wore a thrift-store polyester dress and zombied-up my face, and M. was dressed up as the walk of shame), and in true Sara-fashion I thought I knew where we were going, but I was wrong! Fortunately, we did end up at the party after surprisingly few wrong turns. The party was pretty fun, and almost everyone came out in costume—Bertha and her roommate were dressed up as Calvin and Hobbes, which was super-fun, and definitely the best costume there. In the BME department there are quite a few students (well—compared to in medPhys or in my undergrad physics programme) so I still have quite a few classmates that I have yet to get to know. Also, quite a few significant-others came along, so it wasn’t entirely BME kids.

I’m off to another IEEE MIC meeting this week, in San Diego. I think that it will be fun to spend a bit of time in a “real City” after having spent the last few months in cute&quaint little Davis.  

Also, I’ll get to see Chris! After being in a new town for a few months I’m really looking forward to seeing people that I’ve known for longer than 3 months. Oh, and also, Chris is possibly the coolest 64 y.o. that I know too (just thought i should add that).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment will be:

I can't believe you are friends with someone named Bertha!

6:43 AM  

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