Thursday, September 28, 2006

So here is a photo of me (yes, i know the quality is shit, but it was taken with a webcam...) after my first day of school out here in Davis.

Grad school is a little bit different out here in the states than back home.  

Here when you start grad school they give you a little cow, and take you 
out to a BBQ by a pool with palm trees around and give you booze.  

At McGill all they gave us was homework.  ugh.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other day I went to Walmart for the first time in many years, only because they are the sole supplier of a particular type of wool in all of Canada. Not only did they not have this particular wool, but they used their subversive mind-control manipulation techniques to swindle me out of $130CAD of my hard-earned delicious money, $7 of which was spent on an enormous slab of what was labelled "Old Cheddar Cheese". Call me crazy, but the words "How bad can it be?" actually went through my head, along with a quick value comparison against my usual cheese, which proved to be the clincher. I'm not ashamed to admit I rushed home and immediately carved off a generous chunk (approx. 1/50 of its full size), and promptly vomitted it and my breakfast into the kitchen sink. Ok, I didn't barf, but I must have gagged. It really can be that bad. Now I have 3 lbs of orange thermoplastic in my fridge drawer.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

uh... yeah. American cheese tastes like sock. it really can be that bad.

3:51 PM  

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