Saturday, July 08, 2006


On Saturday we had my “Sara-is-leaving-Canada-Canada-day-party” which involved some good wholesome nighttime barnclimbing, swimming and jumping into the Madawaska River from abandoned piers and some more traditional booze fuelled fun, which was dampened only by the rain.

To everyone who made the trip all the way out to pakenham…. THANK YOU!! And,of course a super big thanks to Barb (now I will never forget what you look like while huffing yarn), Kim and David (now, in case I lose my passport I’ll remember that I’m a Canadian) and of course the Z.O.M.B.I.E.s (I didn’t realize that all of that booze was for me! I thought that I was just drinking someone else’s Bombay Saphire and that no one would give me what for since I’m moving so far away).

Also, I learned several things this Canada-day.
1) All grocery stores are closed on Canada day in Ontario, so if you’re having a food related activity you’re best to leave the country and get some supplies in Quebec (which Neil did).
2) Norm ALWAYS wears spiderman boxers… and he even wears them swimming.
3) If i a had a hankering to move to california before, i could have done it quite easily. It turns out that California, ontario is just between Pakenham and Tatlock, just down the California road. Who knew? (Ohter than Kim’s mom, of course)

So… once again, thanks to (in approximate order of arrival) Kate, Dan, Barb, Jon, Danielle, Kim, David, Claude, Leroy, Norm, Lauren, Amin, Kevin, Clarisse, Juan, Scott, Phuong, Katherine, Brad, Jen and Mike…. I’ll see youse guys in December.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaawwww, now I'm all warm and fuzzy inside. Thank you for the entertainment and booze (yours or not), and damn I love JBs.

6:40 PM  

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